Finding the Courage to Heal

(18 customer reviews)


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18 reviews for Finding the Courage to Heal

  1. Amanda Daniels

    Highly recommend this book for anyone who has endured trauma that wants to stop the cyclical affect that permeates throughout all facets of relationships and generations. This is a guide to self-reflection and self-recovery.

  2. Tiawanna L Glover (verified owner)

    This is a must read book! The author is very honest and transparent about her personal experiences that led her on a powerful journey of self discovery and healing. If you have ever experienced any type of traumatic event in your life, this book will have you identifying with each ordeal in a personal way that makes you personally reflect. A great read and each chapter has a self-study lesson plan that encourages you to write about how it makes you feel in order to begin healing.

  3. Beatrice Haynes (verified owner)

    This was a great Easy read that can inspire those who have endured a life of pain and pressure to transform from hurt to healing by the renewing of their mind.

  4. Kenia Rawles (verified owner)

    For those of us who have experienced abuse thru physical; mental , sexual &/or emotional trauma, reading this book is essential. It is a complete cathartic experience that will catapult us into choosing to fully invest in ourselves by finding the courage to become a willing participant in our journey to true healing. If ur tired of being a hot mess & allowing your emotions to dictate ur behavior, & you find yourself repeatedly choosing the same guy who doesn’t value you..Choose to love yourself today & read this book. You might ugly cry, but it’s well worth it.

  5. Pamela Alfred (verified owner)

    OMG this book was amazing to read it felt like Stephanie was sitting in my house reading the book aloud to me; I cried and laughed. This book has help me to start the healing process of my inner hurts that I thought if I smile it was ok but my heart was crying. I recommend all women that are dealing with inside pain that you thought if I just smile it will go away read this amazing tear jerker book. It is will be the best read ever!!

  6. Jonathan (verified owner)

    Where do I start…what an amazing journey the author took us on in this book. Regardless if you are male or female there is something in here for you. One thing this book did was bring back so many childhood memories that could have easily been the same stories I grew up with. The flip side of this is that the author showed us the reader that you can find the courage to heal.

  7. Glen Challenger Sr. (verified owner)

    Wow.. where do I begin with this book. This book resonated with me on so many levels I don’t have the space to articulate all of them. The authenticity and transparency are beyond powerful. Reading this book allowed me to step back from people and things that were not benefitting me. What I thought was love and friendship reveal itself as a one-sided relationship. Reading this book gave me so much courage to stand in my purpose and understand that it’s ok to say “NO”. Thank you Stephanie for shining your light and helping me to find the courage to heal.

  8. Jimmie (verified owner)

    The content of the book felt pure and made me as a reader feel like it was really relatable. I believe that there was a lot on information that was unpacked in a very small amount of time and it read very well. Really made me think about the tramas and situations that I have experienced in my personal journey. Keep doing great things!

  9. Jakerea Stowers

    Wow! This book is amazing. It has made me unpack somethings that I needed to deal with along time ago. The content was very relatable and transparent. The chapter when she revealed that she was abused chills through my body. I know there are a lot of people suffering in silence and this book gives us the power to be comfortable to confront those issues and traumas out loud. I have two friends whom I’ve recommended it to and they love it. Stephanie is truly an inspiration and her story is our story. Thank you for helping me to find the courage to heal!

  10. AP

    Strong is my favorite chapter in the book, as it opens my eyes to the reasons why I became strong and what I allow in my life is up to me. This book is a benefit to anyone that is struggling with past trauma and would like to begin healing from the inside first. Anyone reading this book, will be impacted as they will began to uncover their own trauma and start to heal creating the needed boundaries without putting on a mask. The individual will show up as their authenic self no matter what and remove themselves from any situation that is toxic or undermining their happiness and peace. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is ready to go on the journey of healing from the inside knowing that it is and will be uncomfortable but they will come out of the other side grateful for taking the journey and renewed. Each chapter gracefully leads into the next, showing the reader that it is okay to be vunerable with yourself. It teaches you that everyone does not deserve to hear your story but your story needs to be heard as it will help someone else in their journey.

  11. AP

    Finding the Courage to Heal takes you on a journey of discovering who you are. Stephanie is very authentic in her experience, but it helps one to look at their own experiences in life as one begins to heal from the inside. Strong is my favorite chapter, as it makes you answer some hard questions about yourself that you may not be ready for. This book is about being able to get uncomfortable to enjoy life to the fullest. I highly recommend this book for those who want to a blueprint on how to begin the process of healing and start a renewed journey in life.

  12. Tambu Chitopo

    All that i have to say is ,you are a brave woman. You walked a journey that no weak person can walk . You became an adult before you were grown up. Only a person with a purpose in life can overcome what you went through . I shall recomment this book to many people who think they will not heal ,so that they understand that there is nothing that is called permanet broken . Your book encourages to be strong when you are going through so much . Healing is not easy but when you are as strong as you are ,it will happen . Keep up the good work Stephie

  13. Jacquelyn M.

    The most raw and vulnerable self healing book you will encounter. Chapter 2 – Empty had tears streaming down my face reading the words I was guilty of saying out loud. This book is a must read for those who are starting out their healing journey. This book connects with the inner child and says “I see you. You are heard and you are loved”. Thank you for sharing your emotions and for giving me the courage to begin my own healing journey.

  14. Gavin Henry

    The first chapter sets up the roller coaster that is this book and that lets you know it will be a ride. While it would be easy to say this is a book about feminine empowerment, that is only one aspect of a well-layered story that can be used for the several different groups of people who are going through struggle.
    1) Young women going into teenage life. As a father having raised a teen girl, I know how that can be difficult even under the best of situations, as you try to protect her all while she pulls away on her road to independence.
    2) The unfortunate children that have been molested. This sadly happens in the black community more than we are willing to talk about and does a great disservice to those poor children as they struggle with the aftermath of that ordeal.
    3) Women who have suffered through infidelity. For our black women that feel the need for love from birth and seem to be cheated at every turn from their father, boyfriends, husbands and in the case of current black women, the lack of a life partner.
    4) Individual family trauma inside the home with the nuclear family and the sense of loss and betrayal from those that are supposed to be our protectors.
    5) Professional counselling within the black community. We as a people have a stigma about seeking this kind of help as that is for the crazy, without realizing that just being black in America is a daily fight against the insanity of racism and then enter all the everyday life problems.
    Finally, what made me love the book was the overall interaction and feeling of first-person interface with the author as she puts exercises at the end of every chapter to not only let you feel where each chapter encapsulates but gives the reader the chance to heal as well. If you have thoughts and ideas that you may not have full flushed out the writing allows a moment to open your heart and mind.

  15. Dr. Stephanie Wall (verified owner)

    I remember when I first read Stephanie Jeffery’s book, “Finding the Courage to Heal.” It was such an insightful book about the journey of healing. Jeffrey teaches us how to communicate and ask questions in a respectful way of those who have experienced it. She also provides insight that I was totally unaware of about IVF. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the process of healing and the strength it takes to heal.

  16. Tai’ja Jones (verified owner)

    This book has given me light in some areas in my life that has been dark for a long time. The title says “Courage To Heal”, recognizing areas where you need to heal is very hard but was easier to identify after reading a few chapters and doing some introspection. Not only was it a good read but it really helped me pin point places in my life that I need to work on to become a better me, not only for myself but for others that love and care about me!!

  17. Allie Josseph

    A definite must read. With all the material out there trying to pass off new self help culture calling covered in woke literature trying to manage brands and fill pockets you can feel that the lessons are not from books or lecture halls. Thank you Stephany, for giving us a rare glimpse into real life experienced. I know this book will help many find not only healing but all that comes with it.

  18. Debbie Ryan

    I was so overjoyed to finally find a book and a writer that could get to the heart of things.

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